Hello Self, Are You There?

Denver Botanic Gardens

“My friend…care for your psyche…know thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves”


The premise for the meditation is to look at the way we see ourselves. Many of us when asked, would describe who we are in terms of our job, relationships or achievements. I relate to that, however that’s not who we are. If our identity is tied to things that can change, when we lose our job or are no longer in a relationship, for example, we lose sight of ourselves. Who we really are is about what’s on the inside, not the outside.

Introspection is not everyone’s cup of tea, I get that. If you can get past the cynicism, you might gain a better understanding of your true self. Hidden beneath all the debris of what we are told we should be is a glimmering light of who we are. What are your likes, dislikes, dreams, ambitions? Self-awareness can be an important skill in leading a happier, fulfilled life.

6 responses to “Hello Self, Are You There?”

  1. I have to remember your line – “we should be is a glimmering light of who we are.” Well said. I start each day trying to keep that approach, but somewhere along the way, I lose it. Ha, ha. I’m getting there though, one step at a time. Great post.

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    1. I believe most of us start out with the intention of following our true self and before long we’re lost. I know that’s what happens to me. The important thing might be recognize we’ve veered off course and find our way back. I aways appreciate your point of view Brian.

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      1. I don’t know that I have anything different to say. You’re the one giving out the gold: “The important thing might be to recognize we’ve veered off course and find our way back.” That’s definitely worth remembering. But, thank you anyway for the compliment. Appreciate that.

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  2. Thank you for the mention my friend. I’m thrilled you’re digging into meditation! Your post reminds me of a recent meditation I listened to where he suggests we ask ourselves, “Who am I?”, throughout the day. To pause, ask and listen to what words/description bubbles up. Beautiful post.

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    1. “Who am I”? That’s something we all could benefit from asking ourselves more often, isn’t it? I always appreciate your insight my dear friend. Thank you for being you. 🤍

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      1. It’s more difficult than it sounds because I keep forgetting! Maybe I should set a reminder on my phone for those pauses with question. It’d be interesting to hear what words are revealed. Ditto my friend. 💖

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